Similarities and Differences

In terms of Wi-Fi and Li-Fi there are not that many similarities between the two the best ones would be that both sides are used in order to transfer data, another similarity is that they both use the electromagnetic spectrum to transfer data. The main difference between the two is that Li-Fi utilises the higher frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum in the range of visible light (Wikipedia 2011). whereas Wi-Fi utilises a low the lower frequency of the spectrum in the range of radio waves (press 2017).


Li-Fi has a few advantages with it one of them being that it is more secure. It is achieved because since Li-Fi uses light waves they do not prorogate through walls like Wi-Fi meaning that a person on the other side of a wall cannot intercept your connection (Li-Fi 2012) as shown in the image below. Since Li-fi cannot prorogate through walls there is also less signal pollution in an area making the connection more stable. The biggest advantage of Li-Fi is its speed, compared to Wi-Fi in lab testing scientist have manages to reach speeds of 224 gigabits per second and 1 and have managed to get 1gb per second in real world test in Estonia (Crew 2015). Compare this to Wi-Fi manage at 7gb in lab test and 300 megabytes in real world testing (Actiontec 2016). The last advantage of Li-Fi is that it is low cost in both implementation and usage, this is because most homes will have existing infrastructure (light fixtures) and the cost to run li-fi is minimal as it use led light which are very power efficient (Li-Fi co 2020).

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While there are a few advantages to Li-Fi there are also disadvantage to it. since Li-Fi uses light and have pass through walls this can also be a drawback, such as if you are outside your house and don't have light source then then you won't have a connection (Li-Fi 2012) unlike Wi-Fi. since Li-Fi is still in its early stage of development and testing there have not been any ideal way for the receiving device to transmit the data back. This infancy of Li-Fi will also drive the cost of technology up as more companies will mark up prices in order to cover research and development.