Is The Future Is Li-Fi?

In 2011 a person by the name of Harald Haas of the University of Edinburgh did a ted talk of his idea for a technology that would use light in order to transmit data, dubbed Li-Fi. His idea is for it to be a direct replacement of conventional W-fi (Wikipedia 2011). In order to see is Li-Fi is a viable idea we will be comparing both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi critically and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Li-Fi.In 2011 a person by the name of Harald Haas of the University of Edinburgh did a ted talk of his idea for a technology that would use light in order to transmit data, dubbed Li-Fi. His idea is for it to be used in conjunction with conventional W-fi initially (Wikipedia 2011). In order to see is Li-Fi is a viable idea we will be comparing both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi critically and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Li-Fi.